The internet is an excellent resource for information about films; you will find details of just about every film ever released and the pages are being continually updated. However, a lot of these entries take the form of listings, giving you only brief and superficial information. For the purposes of your course you will need to dig a little deeper...
By far the most comprehensive movie site on the internet, this is an excellent place to start your research into individual movies. IMDb will provide you with the names of all personnel, filming locations, dates, box office and business and all manner of useful trivia.
For your daily fix of movie industry news from the heart of Hollywood try
You can also browse through these on a weekly basis, just to keep yourself up-to-date with latest developments
Anyone with a blog can claim to be a movie critic these days, and there has been much discussion about the impending demise of movie criticism as we know it.
However, reading in-depth criticism, written by experts who have devoted their professional lives to watching and comparing movies will help you develop your own taste, and appreciation for the finer aspects of movie-making.
You'll find a comprehensive collection of movie criticism at the indispensable Rotten Tomatoes. Also, check out the reviews at
These are online film publications containing many useful articles. They are constantly being updated, and you will have to search through to find pieces that are particularly relevant to your work.